
Create own Wi-Fi hotspot with Baidu Wi-Fi Hotspot app

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Almost every smartphone today comes with a congenital-in Wi-Fi hotspot that allows them to connect to other nearby devices and share content forth with Cyberspace connexion. We can't say the aforementioned about Windows laptops, and as such, that is where Baidu Wi-Fi Hotspot app comes in. It designed to perform in the aforementioned manner as a built-in Wi-Fi hotspot on smartphone and tablet devices.


Baidu Wi-Fi Hotspot

One time kicked into gear, the Baidu Wi-Fi Hotspot app will act equally a virtual Wi-Fi network that volition allow other devices such every bit smartphones and tablets to connect. The app should work wonders when away from home, and if the laptop is continued wirelessly to a 4G network or is tethered to a wired network.

Some might say, why not just connect the smartphones and or tablets directly to the 4G connexion. Well, one should bear in heed that these mobile devices tend to have less battery capacity when compared to a laptop. Furthermore, they also use less battery power when connected to Wi-Fi rather than 4G.

When launching the app for the first time, it detects the Wi-Fi adapter and automatically creates a virtual network. The user will not accept to set a password since it is already done. However, the option is at that place to change both the countersign and the Service Set Identifier (SSID.)

Any continued device can be viewed from the panel, and they can be easily blocked or blacklisted if the user doesn't want them on his or her network.

Most interestingly, however, is the fact that Baidu Wi-Fi Hotspot allows the user to send files over the network to connected devices. These options are called, "Get The File From Phone" and "Send File To Phone." The transfer is done by accessing a special spider web page via the mobile or desktop spider web browsers.

In closing:

Baidu Wi-Fi Hotspot is a great Wi-Fi hotspot app with several features that make it more than what it sets out to exercise. This should work wonders for folks looking for a basic Wi-Fi management app because sometimes managing the connection from the router itself tin be a hurting.

It would be great if the developers cull to transform the app into a consummate and full-fledged Wi-Fi management tool, but we doubt this would happen since doing and then would probable take abroad the ease of employ that we've come to relish.

We suggest giving Baidu Wi-Fi Hotspot a exam drive to see if it is right for you. Folks can download the app from

Here is a list of some more free WiFi HotSpot software that may interest you.


Vamien McKalin possesses the awesome power of walking on water similar a boss. He'southward also a person who enjoys writing most technology, comics, video games, and anything related to the geek world.


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