
How Much Money Did The Nra Give To Pat Toomey

Follow the NRA Money and Meet Where It Goes

Politicians are still taking the NRA's money, but it doesn't always await like we recollect information technology does.

"Senator Rubio, can you tell me right now that you lot will non accept a unmarried donation from the NRA?"

Cameron Kasky, a junior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High Schoolhouse, posed the question to Sen. Marco Rubio under the hot lights of a CNN boondocks hall in Sunrise, Florida, on February 21, exactly ane week after 17 of his classmates and teachers were murdered past a former student wielding a legally purchased AR-fifteen in nearby Parkland. The crowd cheered and began to rise in a standing ovation, while Rubio blinked back. Information technology was unsaid merely implied: Would Rubio even so take donations from the NRA, fifty-fifty now?

"The positions I hold on these issues of the Second Amendment I've held since the day I entered role," Rubio stammered. "People buy into my agenda . . . . I volition always accept the support of anyone who agrees with my agenda."

In other words, the answer to Kasky's question was "no." In the wake of yet another schoolhouse shooting (on average, guns have been fired at American schools on a weekly basis since the Sandy Hook massacre in 2012), the Republican senator from Florida could non disavow the NRA or its campaign contributions—an estimated $iii.three meg over the grade of Rubio's career and the sixth about of any currently serving Congress member, co-ordinate to the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonprofit that tracks the influence of money on U.S. politics.

Momentum effectually gun reform (and the propulsion to call it reform over command ) is ever so slowly gaining, every bit the Parkland students seemed to snap the country out of aloofness, igniting the Never Again movement and leading hundreds of thousands in peaceful protest across the land—including in securely crimson states like Oklahoma and Alabama—at the March for Our Lives. But there is no indication that any of the other v congressional politicians (all of them Republicans) who have benefited the most from the NRA's money are prepared to pass up the organisation's cash either.

Vogue asked the top 6 electric current congressional beneficiaries of funds from the NRA or its affiliates during their careers—Sen. John McCain ($seven.8 million), Sen. Richard Burr ($seven.0 million), Sen. Roy Blunt ($4.6 million), Sen. Thom Tillis ($4.4 one thousand thousand), Sen. Cory Gardner ($3.9 one thousand thousand), and Rubio—if they will continue to count the NRA amid their donors. None responded except for Rubio, whose office emailed a statement that echoed his response to Kasky: "Senator Rubio has been a strong supporter of the Seconnd Amendment since when he entered the Florida legislature in 2000. Like on well-nigh any outcome, those who share his views on the Second Amendment back up him, and those who do non oppose him."

Visual Editor: Ruben Ramos


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